
Preschool Class In Temecula

What We Cover

Have a look to what we will teach in our preschool in Temecula​.

Cooking & Science Experiments

Our preschool in Temecula is thrilled to offer our preschoolers the opportunity to get singing and dancing to music! Dance and music naturally bring a sense of joy and enthusiasm to children, which leads to more energy and physical activity.

Singing & Dancing To Music

Little chefs explore their culinary skills as they learn how to measure, combine and bake ingredients. Meanwhile, preschoolers can discover the laws of science through fun experiments such as  testing the density of liquids or creating amazing eruptions with baking soda and vinegar.

Outdoor Games & Activities

we believe the importance of giving children the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities. Not only do these activities bring physical benefits such as motor development, balance, strength and coordination, they also provide opportunities for social integration and emotional development. 

Arts & Crafts

By participating in a variety of arts and crafts activities, preschoolers can discover creative outlets to express themselves, boost their self-confidence, develop problem-solving skills, as well as eye-hand coordination. 


Dramatic Play

Dramatic play is an interactive way to both engage preschoolers and allow them to work on their communication skills, problem-solving skills, and more. We are convinced that introducing dramatic play in our preschool will bolster learning among preschoolers even further.

Basic Math

Teaching preschoolers basic math skills is important in developing a strong foundation for success in future educational endeavors. Implemented at the preschool level, math instruction can increase preschoolers’ ability to recognize numbers and develop counting skills. 

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Opening Hours

Monday thru Friday 2 sessions available!

Mornings – 

Afternoons – 

Denpasar, Bali